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I can not tell you how much information I’ve learnt by following Dr. Shoreh Ershadi’s Radio and Television programs. Sitting in the comfort of my own home, without having to worry about getting ready and going to a seminar, not having to pay for the seminars, and receiving the latest Medical and Clinical information on Health and Prevention of deseases and symptoms of aging is invaluable to me and my family.

I run like a Roadrunner. I used to have aches and pains everywhere. I was so stiff, especially when I first got out of bed. I used to stay home because of all these pains. Then I started taking 2 capsules of FLEXX supplements daily. Now I go up and down the stairs and go out day and night. I have my life back.

Dear Dr. Ershadi, I am 64 now and started losing my hair at 43. For 21 years I have tried everything. I have purchased the most expensive hair products, vitamins and supplements anywhere in the world. I have taken 60 capsules of Kundalini. My hair loss has stopped and hair is re-growing all over my scalp. I am thrilled. I am writing to thank you and let everyone know what a great product you have developed. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.

I have a busy lifestyle, and I didn’t want my daily schedule hindered by menopause symptoms. I was also concerned about side effects. I need to feel alert and energetic when I attend to my job and my family. So I decided to try a product with natural ingredients to see if I would find help with my hot flashes, loss of concentration and energy, weight gain and sleep problems.